From a Rootsweb database I find the following, although no direct connection to this Campbell family there may be connections made from further investigation:
a Revolutionary War soldier.Descendants of George Campbell
Thanks to Mary Gibson in MichiganFIRST GENERATION
(1) George1 Campbell was born in 1770 at Va., and before 1796 at Va., married (2) Elizabeth Dobkins who was born in 1776 at Va.. George died after 1850 at Claiborne Co. Te. Elizabeth died after 1850 at Claiborne Co. Te.
3 + Barnette2 Campbell b. 1797 d.a 1846
4 + Dorcus Campbell b.c 1799
5 + Peggy Campbell b.c 1801
6 + Jenny Campbell b.c 1802
7 + James Campbell b. 16 Jan 1808 d. 12 Feb 1848
8 + Charles Campbell b. 1805 d. 1891
9 + John Campbell b. 1810
10 + Elizabeth CampbellSECOND GENERATION
(3) Barnette2 Campbell, (George1) was born in 1797, and before 1820, married (11) Mary Brooks who was born about 1800. Barnette died after 1846. Mary died before 1840 at Claiborne Co. Te. From: "Clella Campbell"
Subject: Campbells of Claiborne County, TN >br> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007Hello again, Joe
I just re-visited Claiborne County again today and saw your message. I apologize for not getting those pictures I promised sent to you yet – but death of my mother -- well, any, I’m back now. I will get you the photos that I promised I especially like the one that notes on the back “making sorghum in Tennessee ”. I believe most of the photos I have were taken in the early 1900’s by Lottie Campbell Neill, a daughter of Arthur L. and Sarah E. Klinginsmith Campbell. I also have a few that were taken by my husband, Charles’, parents in the late 50’s or early 60’s when they took Charles to Tennessee to visit the relatives and the old home place.
Below is my first email from C.J. Campbell of Stillwater, OK. - JOE@JOEPAYNE.ORG
Dear Mr. Payne: I’ve enjoyed reading your Claiborne County pages and the e-mail you posted from the gentlemen from North Carolina inquiring about the location of the Campbell cemetery. I’ve only recently (become interested in family history/genealogy, and am a rank novice, though I am more of a novice at e-mail. However I may have some information of interest to George Campbell family researchers. My husband is Charles E. Campbell, who is the son of James Arthur Campbell, who is the son of Ralph L. Campbell (1881 – 1919), who is the son of Arthur L. Campbell (b: 19 Dec. 1842, d: 03 July, 1904) who is the son of Barnett Campbell and Jane Kesterson. My father-in-law was researching his family history in the early 1960’s. We have several letters from cousins and other family members in Tennessee and elsewhere dated in the early 1960’s. One of the letters is from his cousin, Nancy Smith, of New Tazewell, Tennessee, her 3 page typewritten letter follows.
New Tazewell, Tennessee
August 8, 1962
Dear Cousin,I was so glad to hear from you and to get the information that you sent. I may never get my information together enough to publish, but I would like to share some of the information that I have with you. Please forgive my typing mistakes, I am use to the electric typewriter at the office an my portable is hard to use now.
Here is the information that I have on our direct line beginning with the History that I am sure of. As I probably told you in the previous letter that my grandmother has been a big help with this information but most has been verified by court records, and census records. There is a log book kept by an early Claiborne County resident that also had some of the same information George Campbell born about 1771 in Va. Married Elizabeth Dobkins also of Va. And a daughter of Jacob Dobkins. She was born about 1776. They came to Claiborne County around 1804. Their children:
*Barnett (Barney) born about 1797 married Mary Brooks and Jane (Jenny) Kesterson. *John born about 1810 married Sarah (Sally) Willis *Note: Both of these are early grandparents of mine. Charles (1806-1891) married Dorkus (Dorcus) Jones (1807-1892) James married Martha Nevils Dorcus married Whitaker Peggy married Brooks Jenny married Henry Smith Betsy married Anderson Smith Barnett (Barney) and Mary Brooks had these children (10): 1. Eldridge married Emally Hazelwood in 1845 2. Andy married Levisa Campbell, daughter of Charles listed above 3. Oliver (Dock) married Sarah Lewis in 1854 4. George married Nancy Eastridge in 1842 – died during the Civil War in Camp Elmire N.Y. while a Yankee prisoner5. Louize married James R. Jennings Feb. 20, 1840 6. Emmly married Rev. Levi Brooks 7. Lutretia (Lucy) married John W. Walker in 1850 8. Mary Ann Married James Walker July 2, 1849 9. John Doney Campbell married Mary Ann (Pop) Chadwell in 1850 10. Benjamin 12-9-1820-d-10-9-1882 married first Louisa Eastridge in 1842 Married second Elizabeth Lanham in 1866 Married third Feeler (Pheby) Bartlett in 1872
Barney Campbell married Jane (Jenny) Kesterson March 26, 1840, and they had these children (6).
(Jane Kesterson was the daughter of Dave Kesterson. Dave Kesterson was the son of John (Casterson)
or Kesterson and his wife was a
Chadwell. She came from England and married John Casterson in Virginia.
This line has been traced but I do not have a copy of it yet.): 1. Charles who died unmarried as a young man 2. Arthur married Sarah Ellen Clingsmith ( This is spelling I had will change my records) 3. David H. married Mary Ann Grimes in 1869 – they had two children both died unmarried David married second Missouri Williams in 1874 and they had the following: Mary married Cleveland Raby Bascom married Catherine McDaniels (still living) no children Martha married Miles McDaniels Rachel married John Raby Rodie married a Wilson Winton married a Cunningham and they had two children – Ethel m. Whitaker - Henderson m. Breeding 4. N. G. (Nute) b – Dec. 29, 1845, d-June 23, 1911. He married Lucy Williams b – Feb. 18, 1862 – d. Jan 23, 1943. ( Lucy Williams was a granddaughter of John Campbell and a sister to my grandmother) They had one daughter, Mollie,
born Nov. 7, 1879, died Oct. 2, 1899, unmarried. 5. Abraham Rogers Campbell, born Oct. 16, 1850, died June 9, 1914, married Nancy Cornilla Williams, born August 29, 1866 (still living). She is the daughter of Nevesta Catherine Campbell, daughter of John Campbell and Sally Willis. Her grandfather, John Campbell, along with his brother, Charles, moved to Missouri following the Civil War. I have found a granddaughter of Charles living in California, but I have been unable so far to get any information concerning John after he moved with his youngest children to Missouri. Abraham and Nancy had these children: Claude Neuton 10-10-1891 – m- Sarah Fultz one child Ruth G. England Mary Emma b 11-8-1893-d-12-22-1896 John Edward b-7-6-1895-d-6-16-1932 m – Susie DeBusk and Alpha Minton John and Alpha have 3 daughters: Louretta married Austin Cosby Cornilla married Floyd Campbell Susie married Richardson (divorced) William Benjamin b-12-22-1897 married Katherine Ellen DeBusk. Note: No children, but he raised the 4 of us Henry Patton b-5-15-1900 married Bertha Love – 2 sons Robert and Abreham Hattie Francis b-4-27, 1902 d-6-15-1926 married Andrew Johnson DeBusk (these are my parents) they had 4Children: William Woodrow DeBusk 9-26-1918 m Ethel Cine and they have 4 children Robert Edward 4-7-1920 m Betty Shannon and have 2 daughters Alfred J. Nuton 2-14-1922 m Ruth Minton and have 2 sons Nancy DeBusk 3-14-1924 m William Noble Smith and we have 2 children; William Benjamin b 6-16-1949 Nancy Louise b 12-14-1950 Lucy Ella Campbell born 09-28-1903 died 09-06-1809 Arizella Mae Campbell b 12-26-1906 married Stanley Parker – no children Esther Jane Campbell b married Andrew Johnson DeBusk (my father) and they had nine children. 6. Alexander Campbell born about 1852 married Sarah (Sally) Campbell. She was a daughter of Williams Campbell and a granddaughter of John. They had: Millard A. who married Nancy Rowland Andy m- Lillian Kesterson Roy m – Roxie Chambers Tom m- Elizabeth Stoaksberry Ollie m- Silvernails Pearl married John Riley Arthur L. married Elizabeth (Lizzy) Ball (they are the ones that gave me your address) Creola – never married. I did not try to give you all the information that I have on the 16 children of Barney Campbell, but I did give you a run down on the 6 that concern you and me the most (the six sons of Barney and Jane Kesterson Campbell)
I have been so busy this summer that I have not had a chance to search deeper for information before George, but, I think what I need will tie in with the following information:
Robert Campbell born in County Down Ireland about 1718 and landed in Philadelphia at the age of 7 years He went to Prince Edward County in Virginia, afterwards. In 1776 he moved with his sons to Carter Valley, North Carolina (This is now Tenn.) In 1738 or 40, was married to Leticia Crocket, who died in Prince Edward Co., Va. He was a farmer. He died Dec. 24, 1810 and was buried in Carter Valley near his home. He was the father of ten children: Alexander, James, Elizabeth, Catherine, Anna, Jane, these were by his wife Leticia Crocket. (I have no definite proof, but I think James listed above was the father of our George).
Robert married Jane Allison who died in 1820 and they had: Robert, Jr., Joseph, Leticia and Andrew. Jane Allison was born in Rockbridge Co., Va.
Robert Jr. was born in Rockbridge Co. Va. Jan 3, 1761. He was married in Va. In 1785.
By this time you should be so mixed up from all the names I have given you that you will have to write me another letter.
I wish you and your family could be here with us on August 26, when we will celebrate my grandmother’s 96th birthday. That is the Sunday that comes closest to the 29th, her real birthday. She is quite a woman for her age, she still get around and takes care of the chickens, is the first person up in the morning and starts breakfast. She is almost blind, but her mind is still alert, and her hearing is good for the years she has lived. God has in deed been good to us. She and Uncle Will took the four of us when Mother died, and she is the only Mother I have ever known.
With best regards, Nancy.
I don’t have a scanner (trust me if I did, I wouldn’t have re-typed her letter), but I may be able to get one of my daughters to do it for me. I have some old photographs of Claiborne County, of the Campbell homestead in Lincoln County, Oklahoma. There’s a letter postmarked Sept, 14 1964 from an A. L. Campbell, Tazewell, Tenn, wherein he writes about the changes since 1916. Though I am not certain, I believe it is from Arthur L. Campbell, son of Alexander Campbell.
Stillwater, OK
12 + George3 Campbell b. 1817 d.b 1870
13 + Benjamin Campbell b. 1820 d. 1882
14 + Louisa Campbell b.c 1823
15 + Eldridge Campbell b.c 1824 d.a 1880
16 + Andrew Campbell b. 1826
17 + Mary Campbell b. 1828
18 + John Campbell b. 1829 d.a 1900
19 + Emily Campbell b. 1831
20 + Toliver D. Campbell b. 1835
21 + George Campbell b. 1836He also married on 26 Mar 1840 at Claiborne Co. Te, (22) Jane Kesterson who was born in 1810.
23 + Charles3 Campbell b. 1841
24 + Arthur L. Campbell b. 1842
25 + David H. Campbell b. 1844
26 + Newton J. Campbell b. 1846(4) Dorcus2 Campbell, (George1) was born about 1799, and married (27) John Whiteaker who was born in 1795.
28 + Mary3 Whiteaker b. 1819
29 + James Madison Whiteaker b. 1820
30 + Elizabeth Whiteaker b.c 1822
31 + George Smith Whiteaker b. 1826
32 + Pryor Lee Whiteaker b. 1829
33 + Rhoda Whiteaker b. 1831
34 + Francis Jane Whiteaker b. 1833
35 + John C Whiteaker b. 1835
36 + Isabela Whiteaker b. 1836
37 + Mary Whiteaker b. 1836
38 + Virginia Whiteaker b. 1838
39 + Joseph Whiteaker b. 1839
40 + Eldridge Whiteaker b. 1845She also married (41) James Jones.
(5) Peggy2 Campbell, (George1) was born about 1801, and married (42) Preston Brooks.
(6) Jenny2 Campbell, (George1) was born about 1802, and married (43) Henry Smith.
(7) James2 Campbell, (George1) was born 16 Jan 1808 at Claiborne Co. Te, and about 1825 at Tennessee, married (44) Martha Nevils who was born 28 Aug 1809 at Va.. She was the daughter of George Washington NEVILS James died on 12 Feb 1848 at Claiborne Co. Te. Martha died on 16 Jan 1897.
45 + Lucy Ann3 Campbell b. 1829
46 + Armstrong Campbell b. 1832
47 + Adeline Campbell b. 1833
48 + Mary Campbell b. 1837
49 + Elizabeth Campbell b. 1839
50 + Sarah Campbell b. 1841
51 + James Campbell b. 1844
52 + George Campbell b. 1846(8) Charles2 Campbell, (George1) was born in 1805, and married (53) Dorcas Jones who was born in 1812. Charles died in 1891.
54 + Elizabeth3 Campbell b. 1828
55 + Mason Campbell b. 1829
56 + Eliza Campbell b. 1834
57 + Emily A. Campbell b. 1835
58 + Margaret Campbell b. 1837
59 + Alexander Campbell b. 1839 d. 1911
60 + George Campbell b. 1842
61 + Nancy Campbell b. 1844
62 + Minerva Campbell b. 1846
63 + Lerelda J. Campbell b. 1849
64 + Martha Campbell b. 1850
65 + Charles Campbell b. 1853
66 + Andrew Campbell b. 1855
67 + Caroline Campbell b. 1856
68 + Thomas Campbell b. 1857
69 + Calloway Campbell b.a 1857
70 + Johnny Campbell b.a 1857(9) John2 Campbell, (George1) was born in 1810 at Tn., and about 1830 at Tn., married (71) Sarah Willis who was born in 1810 at Va..
72 + William P.3 Campbell b.c 1832
73 + Nervesta Campbell b. 1835
74 + George F. Campbell b. 1837
75 + Marian Campbell b. 1839
76 + James P. Campbell b. 1842
77 + Joel Campbell b. 1845
78 + Benjamin Campbell b. 1847(10) Elizabeth2 Campbell, (George1) married (79) Anderson Smith.
(12) George3 Campbell, (Barnette2, George1) was born in 1817 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 10 Feb 1842 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (80) Nancy Eastridge who was born in 1827 at Tennessee. George died before 1870 at Claiborne Co. Te.
81 + Lucy Jane4 Campbell b. 1843 d. 1920
82 + Robert Campbell b. 1845
83 + Louiza Eliza Campbell b. 1847
84 + James C. Campbell b. 1849
85 + Isaac Campbell b. 1851
86 + Mary Campbell b. 1853
87 + Benjamin Campbell b. 1855
88 + Margaret Campbell b. 1860
89 + George Campbell b. 1864 d. 1922(13) Benjamin3 Campbell, (Barnette2, George1) was born in 1820 at Va., and on 29 Sep 1842 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (90) Eliza Eastridge who was born in 1827 at Ky.. Benjamin died in 1882. Eliza died about 1864 at Claiborne Co. Te.
91 + Mary A.4 Campbell b. 1847
92 + Lucinda Campbell b. 1849
93 + James Campbell b. 1852
94 + George Campbell b. 1854
95 + Nancy Campbell b. 1856
96 + Levi Campbell b. 1859
97 + Marcillus Campbell b. 1863
98 + Henley Campbell b. 1864He also married on 20 Nov 1866 at Claiborne Co. Te, (99) Elizabeth J. Lanham.
(14) Louisa3 Campbell, (Barnette2, George1) was born about 1823 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 20 Feb 1840 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (100) James R. Jennings who was born in 1816 at Tn..
101 + Mary J.4 Jennings b. 1841
102 + Sarah E. Jennings b. 1843
103 + Lucinda Jennings b. 1844
104 + Nancy Jennings b. 1846
105 + Emily Jennings b. 1849
106 + John Jennings b. 1850
107 + Barnett Jennings b. 1855
108 + Louiza A. Jennings b. 1858
109 + Henley Jennings b. 1861
110 + Alice Jennings b. 1865(15) Eldridge3 Campbell, (Barnette2, George1) was born about 1824 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 24 Jun 1845 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (111) Emeline Hazelwood who was born in 1829 at Tennessee. Eldridge died after 1880. Emeline died after 1880.
112 + Elizabeth4 Campbell b. 1847
113 + Peter Campbell b. 1848
114 + Barnette Campbell b. 1850 d.a 1938
115 + Benjamin Franklin Campbell b. 1853 d. 1936
116 + Clinton Campbell b. 1855 d. 1938
117 + Nelson Campbell b. 1857 d. 1919
118 + Eliza Campbell b. 1861 d.b 1938
119 + Chadwell Campbell b. 1864 d. 1910
120 + Salinda Campbell b. 1866 d.a 1938
121 + Robert Campbell b. 1868 d. 1948
122 + John Dock Campbell b. 1871 d. 1936
123 + Mary C. Campbell b. 1876(16) Andrew3 Campbell, (Barnette2, George1) was born in 1826 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 2 Nov 1844 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (124) Louisa Campbell who was born in 1830 at Tennessee.
125 + Emily4 Campbell b. 1847
126 + James Campbell b. 1849
127 + Ewing Campbell b. 1853
128 + Nelson Campbell b. 1856(18) John3 Campbell, (Barnette2, George1) was born in 1829 at Va., and on 16 May 1850 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (129) Mary Ann Chadwell who
was born in 1830 at Tn.. John died after 1900 at Claiborne Co. Te. Mary Ann died at Tn..
130 + Sterling4 Campbell b. 1851
131 + Oliver Dotson Campbell b. 1854 d.a 1900
132 + Louisa Campbell b. 1856
133 + Elbert Campbell b. 1858
134 + Lucy A. Campbell b. 1859
135 + Thomas Campbell b. 1863
136 + Manda Campbell b. 1865 d.b 1892(19) Emily3 Campbell, (Barnette2, George1) was born in 1831 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 5 Jul 1848 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (137) Levi Brooks who was born in 1804 at Tennessee.
138 + Lewis C.4 Brooks b. 1852
139 + William N. Brooks b. 1854
140 + Benjamin Brooks b. 1856
141 + Louisa Brooks b. 1859
142 + Mary E. Brooks b. 1860
143 + Nancy Brooks b. 1862
144 + Levi Brooks b. 1863
145 + Robert Brooks b. 1867
146 + Florence Brooks b. 1868
147 + A.J. Brooks b. 1870(20) Toliver D.3 Campbell, (Barnette2, George1) was born in 1835 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 9 Feb 1854 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (148) Sarah Lewis who was born in 1833 at Tennessee.
149 + Andrew J.4 Campbell b. 1855
150 + Martha E. Campbell b. 1857
151 + Manila J. Camobell b. 1858
152 + Eliza Campbell b. 1861
153 + Marshall Campbell b. 1862
154 + Virgina C. Campbell b. 1864
155 + George M. Campbell b. 1866
156 + Lucinda Campbell b. 1868
157 + Ewing Campbell b. 1870
158 + Rufus Campbell b. 1872
159 + William R. Campbell b. 1874(28) Mary3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1819, and married (160) ??? Sawtelle.
She also married (161) J.B. Muncy.
(29) James Madison3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1820, and married (162) Mary Howell who was born in 1825.
163 + Elizabeth4 Whiteaker b. 1845
164 + George Smith Whiteaker b. 1847
165 + Sarah Ellen Whiteaker b. 1849
166 + John Hamilton Whiteaker b. 1851
167 + Violet Ann Whiteaker b. 1854
168 + Jonus Bullard Whiteaker b. 1855
169 + Ida Veldora Whitaker b. 1858
170 + Stephen Douglas Whiteaker b. 1860
171 + William Curtis Whiteaker b. 1862
172 + Iver Lewellen Whiteaker b. 1864
173 + Sylvester Jessee Whiteaker b. 1866
174 + Finis Elmond Whiteaker b. 1869(30) Elizabeth3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born about 1822, and married (175) George Hepner.
(31) George Smith3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1826, and married (176) Nancy Elinor Gillham who was born in 1828.
177 + Henritta4 Whiteaker b. 1851
178 + John Newton Whiteaker b. 1855
179 + Anna E. Whiteaker b. 1858
180 + James Pryor Whiteaker b. 1861
181 + Charles Calvet Whiteaker b. 1863
182 + Frank W. Whiteaker b. 1867
183 + Estella Whiteaker b. 1869(32) Pryor Lee3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1829, and married (184) Emily J. Taylor who was born in 1834.
185 + Virgil S.4 Whiteaker b. 1853
186 + Nebraska C. Whiteaker b. 1856
187 + Iowa O. Whiteaker b. 1859
188 + Simpson Whiteaker
189 + William Whiteaker
190 + Samuel Whiteaker
191 + Lilly Whiteaker
192 + Sissy Whiteaker
193 + Viola Whiteaker(33) Rhoda3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1831, and married (194) Lindsey Green Pittman who was born in 1818.
195 + John Lewis4 Pittman
196 + Rhoda Alice Pittman
197 + Asbury Lee Pittman
198 + George Swinn Pittman
199 + Stephen Willie Pittman(34) Francis Jane3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1833, and married (200) Jonathan M. Berry who was born in 1811.
201 + Jerusha Anna4 Berry b. 1854
202 + Iowa Adeline Berrry b. 1857
203 + John Franklin Berry b. 1859(35) John C3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1835, and married (204) Mary J. ??? who was born in 1840.
205 + Ira W.4 Whiteaker b. 1857
206 + Emma J. Whiteaker b. 1859(36) Isabela3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1836, and married (207) John Douglas who was born in 1832.
208 + Charles4 Douglas b. 1856
209 + Edgar Douglas b. 1858
210 + John William Douglas b. 1862She also married (211) John Allen.
212 + Thomas4 AllenShe also married (213) James Grubb.
(37) Mary3 Whiteaker, (Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1836, and married (214) ??? Suttle.
(45) Lucy Ann3 Campbell, (James2, George1) was born in 1829 at Claiborne Co. Te, and married (215) Preston-Jr Brooks who was born in 1826 at Claiborne Co. Te.
216 + Ira Armstrong4 Brooks b. 13 Oct 1861(47) Adeline3 Campbell, (James2, George1) was born in 1833, and married (217) John Benjamin Cloud who was born in 1826 at Tennessee.
Some Additional Campbell Family History
Saturday, January 22, 2011 7:03 AM
From:"Steve Caputo" - stevecaputo1@gmail.comHi Joe,
I really appreciate all of the information you have gathered. Adeline Campbell (#47 on your list) is my 3rd Great Grandmother. I was looking for some confirmation that her Great Grandmother was Mary Kinchen. I came across all of your information on the Campbells and want to correct Adeline's husband. Her husband is listed as Benjamin Cloud, but he was John Benjamin Cloud, son of Greenberry Cloud and Barthena Cox. John & Adeline's children were Mary 1855, John 1859, Green 1861, Martha 1867, George 1868, Henderson 1870, Maria 1872 and William 1877. John was my 2nd Great Grandfather. It looks like you have the best Campbell site as well as Tazewell and Claiborne info, so I wanted to send you this correction in case there are any other cousins out there. I am attaching a copy of John & Adeline's wedding record and a copy of their son John's death record that lists Adeline (Lina) Campbell and John Cloud as his parents.Thanks,
Steve Caputo(48) Mary3 Campbell, (James2, George1) was born in 1837, and married (218) Samuel Chadwell who was born in 1826.
I had mistakenly listed the children below:
219 + John B.4 Chadwell b. 1855
220 + Golvin Chadwell b. 1857
221 + Margaret Elizabeth Chadwell b. 1859 d. 1950
222 + William Chadwell b. 1865
223 + James Chadwell b. 1866
224 + ??? Chadwell b. 1867
225 + Elbert Chadwell b. 1868
If anyone has corrections on these Chadwell relatives please let me know - Sarah3 Campbell, (James2, George1) was born in 1841, and about 1864, married (226) John H. Brooks who was born in 1824.
227 + Mary4 Brooks b. 1866
228 + George S. Brooks b. 1868
229 + William Floyd Brooks b. 1869
230 + Armintie Brooks b. Apr 1871
231 + Silas C. Brooks b. 1874
232 + James M. Brooks b. 1876
233 + Dudley Brooks b. 1879
234 + Laura Brooks b.a 1880
235 + Wiley Brooks b.a 1880She also married (236) Enoch Carmack who was born in 1836.
237 + Abraham4 Carmack b. 1860
238 + Amanda Carmack b. 1862(54) Elizabeth3 Campbell, (Charles2, George1) was born in 1828, and married (239) Andy Campbell who was born before 1828.
(56) Eliza3 Campbell, (Charles2, George1) was born in 1834, and married (240) Andrew Campbell who was born before 1835.
(57) Emily A.3 Campbell, (Charles2, George1) was born in 1835 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 11 Aug 1850 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (241) Edward Bray who was born in 1824 at Tn..
(58) Margaret3 Campbell, (Charles2, George1) was born in 1837, and on 18 Feb 1853 at Claiborne Co. Tn, married (242) Thomas Campbell.
243 + Dick4 Campbell
244 + Angeliine Campbell
245 + Emma Campbell
246 + Mary Campbell
247 + Ollie Campbell(59) Alexander3 Campbell, (Charles2, George1) was born in 1839, and married (221) Margaret Elizabeth Chadwell, daughter of Samuel Chadwell and Mary Campbell, who was born in 1859. Alexander died in 1911. Margaret Elizabeth died in 1950.
248 + Mary4 Campbell b. 1880
249 + Docia Campbell b. 1882
250 + Charlie Campbell b. 1884
251 + Ollie Elizabeth Campbell b. 1886
252 + James Samuel Campbell b. 1889
253 + Virgie Otha Campbell b. 1892
254 + Navada May Campbell b. 1895
255 + Levy Alexander Campbell b. 1898
256 + Roxie Faye Campbell b. 1901(72) William P.3 Campbell, (John2, George1) was born about 1832 at Claiborne Co. Tn, and on 6 Jan 1856 at Claiborne Co. Tn, married (257) Elizabeth Massengale who was born about 1836 at Claiborne Co. Tn.
258 + Eliza Jane4 Campbell b. 1856
259 + James Campbell b. 1857
260 + Sarah Campbell b. 1859/1860
261 + Henly Campbell b.c 1865
262 + John Campbell b.c 1867(76) James P.3 Campbell, (John2, George1) was born in 1842 at Claiborne Co. Tn, and married (263) Nancy Evaline Estep who was born in 1849 at Claiborne Co. Tn. James P. died at Oklahoma. Nancy Evaline died at Oklahoma.
(78) Benjamin3 Campbell, (John2, George1) was born in 1847, and married (264) Phoebe Bartlett.
(81) Lucy Jane4 Campbell, (George3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1843 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 8 Nov 1859 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (265) Abraham Lewis who was born in 1838 at Tennessee. Lucy Jane died in 1920. Abraham died after 1880.
266 + George M.5 Lewis b. 1863
267 + Nancy Lewis b. 1867
268 + Robert Lewis b. 1870
269 + William Lewis b. 1873
270 + Milton Lewis b. 1876
271 + Daniel R. Lewis b. 1878(82) Robert4 Campbell, (George3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1845, and married (272) Sallie R. Thomas.
(97) Marcillus4 Campbell, (Benjamin3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1863, and married (273) Lilly Hall.
(102) Sarah E.4 Jennings, (Louisa3 Campbell, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1843, and married spouse unknown.
274 + Shelby5 Jennings b. 1861
275 + Marshall Jennings b. 1863
276 + Ollivia Jennings b. 1865
277 + Dora Jennings b. 1867
278 + Flora Jennings b. 1869(112) Elizabeth4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1847 at Claiborne Co. Te, and in 1877 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (279) George W. Liford who was born in 1828.
(113) Peter4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1848 at Claiborne Co. Te, and married (280) Lettice Gibson who was born in 1845.
(114) Barnette4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1850, and married (281) Annie Martha Gibson who was born in 1853. Barnette died after 1938. Annie Martha died after 1920.
(115) Benjamin Franklin4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1853, and married (282) Susan Mary Tuggle who was born in 1860. Benjamin Franklin died in 1936. Susan Mary died in 1940.
(116) Clinton4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1855, and married (283) Martha E. Ensor who was born in 1861. Clinton died in 1938. Martha E. died about 1925.
From: Elizabeth Campbell
To: 'Joe Payne'
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 8:36 AM
Subject: Claiborne county genealogyHi Joe,
I was wondering if you might be able to help me with a mystery from Claiborne county Tennessee. I have read many of your pages and found that you have a wealth of knowledge and connections to history and genealogy of Claiborne county. I hope you’ll have some suggestions, since I haven’t found anything despite visiting the Tennessee state archives.
My great grandfather is Chadwell Campbell (1863-1910). I would like to find out more information about him. He seems to be quite a mysterious guy, and somewhat of a cad. His primary marriage was to Cora Bell Lanham (married Dec 20 1891 per marriage license), and had 4 kids with her – Viola, Nathan, Goldie and Cecil. Cora died in 1905 leaving him with several young kids. I have also found that he was married to Dona Beunie Ensor (married July 31 1884 per marriage license). Chad and Dona apparently had a child Miriam in 1885 (death certificate indicates parents, born in Wheeler, Virginia).
I am related to Chadwell through his third marriage to Mary Elizabeth Williams (can’t find a marriage license) and their son (my grandfather) Albert Linton Campbell (born 1908 in Tazewell). Chad died when my grandfather was 2 years old. Mary became a dressmaker in Middlesboro. Cora’s children were split up among the Campbell relations and Mary did keep in contact with them. I haven’t found any information about the events surrounding Chad’s death or why the family got split up or what was fuelling the migration from Claiborne county into Middlesboro for many folks.
Any information or suggestions you could offer would be extremely helpful. Thank you for anything you might provide,
Elizabeth Campbell -
(117) Nelson4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1857 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 15 Mar 1883 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (284) Martha J. Lewis who was born in 1865. Nelson died in 1919. Martha J. died in 1921.
(118) Eliza4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1861. Eliza died before 1938.
(119) Chadwell4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1864, and married (285) Cora Bell Lanham . Chadwell died in 1910.
(120) Salinda4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1866, and married (286) Beauregard Bray. Salinda died after 1938.
She also married (287) Millard F. Welch.
(121) Robert4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1868, and married (288) Phoebe Elizabeth Lewis. Robert died in 1948.
(122) John Dock4 Campbell, (Eldridge3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1871, and married (289) Nellie Lanaham who was born in 1880. John Dock died in 1936. Nellie died in 1962.
(130) Sterling4 Campbell, (John3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1851 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 27 Oct 1869 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (290) Barbary Yeary who was born in 1846 at Lee Co. Va..
291 + Garrett5 Campbell b. 1872
292 + Nancy Campbell b. 1873
293 + Mary Campbell b. 1875
294 + Elbert Campbell b. 1878
295 + John Campbell b. 1880(131) Oliver Dotson4 Campbell, (John3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1854 at Lee Co. Va., and on 8 Nov 1872 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (296) Eliza Adaline Brown, daughter of who was born in 1854 at Lee Co. Va.. Oliver Dotson died after 1900. Eliza Adaline died after 1910.
297 + Sarah Clementine5 Campbell b. 1873
298 + Rebecca A. Campbell b. 1874 d.b 1900
299 + Arlene Campbell b. 12 Oct 1882 d. 14 Nov 1959
300 + Tillman Campbell b. 2 Jun 1885 d. 16 Jan 1940
301 + MIlburn Campbell b. Oct 1888
302 + Pearl Campbell b. Mar 1892(133) Elbert4 Campbell, (John3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1858 at Tn., and on 21 Mar 1880 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (303) Catherine Brown who was born in 1852 at Tn..
(136) Manda4 Campbell, (John3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1865 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 22 Aug 1889 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (304) John Loop who was born in 1845 at Va.. Manda died before 1892 at Claiborne Co. Te.
(164) George Smith4 Whiteaker, (James3, Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1847, and married (305) Susan M. ???.
(178) John Newton4 Whiteaker, (George3, Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1855, and married (306) Mary Louella Lunbeck who was born in 1864.
307 + Frank Norris5 Whiteaker b. 1885
308 + Charlotte Revera Whiteaker b. 1887
309 + Lemuel Whiteaker b. 1900
310 + John Fredrick Whiteaker b. 1901(216) Ira Armstrong4 Brooks, (Lucy3 Campbell, James2, George1) was born 13 Oct 1861, and married (311) Eliza Wilson who was born 8 Apr 1867.
312 + Cillus Gilmore5 Brooks b. 23 Mar 1892(221) Margaret Elizabeth4 Chadwell, (Mary3 Campbell, James2, George1) was born in 1859, and married (59) Alexander Campbell, son of Charles Campbell and Dorcas Jones, who was born in 1839. Margaret Elizabeth died in 1950. Alexander died in 1911.
248 + Mary5 Campbell b. 1880
249 + Docia Campbell b. 1882
250 + Charlie Campbell b. 1884
251 + Ollie Elizabeth Campbell b. 1886
252 + James Samuel Campbell b. 1889
253 + Virgie Otha Campbell b. 1892
254 + Navada May Campbell b. 1895
255 + Levy Alexander Campbell b. 1898
256 + Roxie Faye Campbell b. 1901(229) William Floyd4 Brooks, (Sarah3 Campbell, James2, George1) was born in 1869, and married (313) Cornelia Nevils who was born in 1872.
314 + Mossie5 Brooks b. 1889
315 + Carlie Brooks b. Oct 1889
316 + Ira Brooks b. 1892
317 + Arthur Brooks b. Apr 1895
318 + Roscoe Maynard Brooks b. 1898
319 + Curtie Brooks b. Jan 1898
320 + Ora Brooks b. 1902
321 + Cleo Brooks b. 1904
322 + Media Brooks b. 1906
323 + Ulus Brooks b. 1908(230) Armintie4 Brooks, (Sarah3 Campbell, James2, George1) was born in Apr 1871 at Claiborne Co. Te, and on 3 Dec 1887 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (324) John Townsley who was born in May 1869.
325 + Joseph5 Townsley b. Jan 1892
326 + Mallie Townsley b. Feb 1893
327 + Edward Townsley b. May 1894
328 + Ida Townsley b. May 1895(243) Dick4 Campbell, (Margaret3, Charles2, George1) married (329) Alice ???.
(244) Angeliine4 Campbell, (Margaret3, Charles2, George1) married (330) ??? Scott.
(245) Emma4 Campbell, (Margaret3, Charles2, George1) married (331) John Sullivan.
(246) Mary4 Campbell, (Margaret3, Charles2, George1) married (332) Charlie Sullivan.
(247) Ollie4 Campbell, (Margaret3, Charles2, George1) married (333) John Elsesser.
(248) Mary4 Campbell, (Alexander3, Charles2, George1) was born in 1880, and married (334) Frank Barmettlar.
(249) Docia4 Campbell, (Alexander3, Charles2, George1) was born in 1882, and married (335) Phillip Henry Benjamin.
She also married (336) John Firlding C. Shaw who was born in 1868.
337 + Sylvia Nola5 Shaw b. 1903
338 + Roxie Faye Shaw b. 1905
339 + Oakley Gearldine Shaw b. 1907
340 + Zimri Haskel Shaw b. 1909
341 + Floy Avis Shaw b. 1914(251) Ollie Elizabeth4 Campbell, (Alexander3, Charles2, George1) was born in 1886, and married (342) Creed Quillen.
(252) James Samuel4 Campbell, (Alexander3, Charles2, George1) was born in 1889, and married (343) Daisy Levesy.
(253) Virgie Otha4 Campbell, (Alexander3, Charles2, George1) was born in 1892, and married (344) Foster Cenkie Newton.
(254) Navada May4 Campbell, (Alexander3, Charles2, George1) was born in 1895, and married (345) William Beaden Davis.
(258) Eliza Jane4 Campbell, (William3, John2, George1) was born in 1856 at Tennessee, and on 21 Apr 1872 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (346) Moses Brown, was born in 1851 at Lee Co. Virgina. Moses died at Tn..
347 + Mary A.5 Brown b. 1873
348 + Sarah J. Brown b. 1875
349 + John E. Brown b. 1879
350 + Millard Brown b. 6 Jun 1880 d. 22 Dec 1968
351 + Thomas Brown b. 1883
352 + Burgan Brown b. 1884
353 + Medin Brown b. 1890
354 + Mandy Brown b. 1893
(297) Sarah Clementine5 Campbell, (Oliver4, John3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1873 at Lee Co. Virgina, and in 1898 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (355) Nathan A. Pace who was born in May 1873 at Claiborne Co. Tn.(298) Rebecca A.5 Campbell, (Oliver4, John3, Barnette2, George1) was born in 1874 at Lee Co. Virgina. Rebecca A. died before 1900.
(299) Arlene5 Campbell, (Oliver4, John3, Barnette2, George1) was born 12 Oct 1882 at Claiborne Co. Tn, and on 3 Oct 1908 at Bell County Kent, married (356) William H. Gibson who was born 4 May 1882 at Bell County Kent. Arlene died on 14 Nov 1959 at Bell County Kent. William H. died on 3 Oct 1963 at Bell County Kent.
(300) Tillman5 Campbell, (Oliver4, John3, Barnette2, George1) was born 2 Jun 1885 at Claiborne Co. Te, and about 1910 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (314) Mossie Brooks, daughter of William Floyd Brooks and Cornelia Nevils, who was born in 1889 at Claiborne Co. Te. Tillman died on 16 Jan 1940 at Claiborne Co. Te. Mossie died at Claiborne Co. Te.(302) Pearl5 Campbell, (Oliver4, John3, Barnette2, George1) was born in Mar 1892, and married (357) ? Hill.
(307) Frank Norris5 Whiteaker, (John4, George3, Dorcus2 Campbell, George1) was born in 1885, and married (358) Amey Northey who was born in 1885.
(312) Cillus Gilmore5 Brooks, (Ira4, Lucy3 Campbell, James2, George1) was born 23 Mar 1892 at Va., and married (359) Mary Hannah Golden who was born 22 May 1894.
(314) Mossie5 Brooks, (William4, Sarah3 Campbell, James2, George1) was born in 1889 at Claiborne Co. Te, and about 1910 at Claiborne Co. Te, married (300) Tillman Campbell, son of Oliver Dotson Campbell and Eliza Adaline Brown, who was born 2 Jun 1885 at Claiborne Co. Te. Mossie died at Claiborne Co. Te. Tillman died on 16 Jan 1940 at Claiborne Co. Te.
(350) Millard5 Brown, (Eliza4 Campbell, William3, John2, George1) was born 6 Jun 1880 at Claiborne Co. Tn, and on 8 Jun 1904 at Campbell Co. Tn., married (360) Rachael Longworth who was born about 1887 at Tn.. Millard died on 22 Dec 1968 at Claiborne Co. Tn.
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