Hale County Texas near the city of Plainview

Among the roll of pictures I posted previously were these of my grandfather on a farm he and my father owned in Texas. If anyone would like to know where there is a capped gas well I can tell them it is located in Hale. Hale County, Texas that is.  Whenever my father thought he needed to punish us he would swear that he was going to move the family to Texas.  That usually made us feel very happy to be where we were. 
AUSTIN - May 7, 2008 — The nation may be on the verge of a recession, but the Texas economy is doing well enough for Comptroller Susan Combs to predict Tuesday that the Legislature will have a $10.7 billion surplus when it convenes in January. Gov. Perry raises prospect of tax rebates for Texas residents

My grandfather Joe Phillips on the Farmall Tractor that the one Mexican farm hand used to plow the fields. I was told that the fellow tied the tractor to a pole and then the wheel and let the tractor wind itself around the pole. He knew exactly when to return to the tractor before it ran into the pole.
My grandfather Joe Phillips, Mr. T.A. Knight and son Marvin whose family had lived on the 360 half-section of land near Plainview, Texas for over 30 years. My grandfather bought the farm after his father died in 1914. Barbara Carr of Tazewell had owned it since the late 1800's. My father, Al Payne bought half the farm sometime about 1948.
Grandfather Joe Phillips retired from the U.S. Treasury Department in 1949 and moved primarily to Brownsville, Texas. He traveled between there, Plainview and Tennessee many times during the next 10 years of his life.
Looking from the back of the farm towards the South East from feed lot in back of the farm house.
T.A. Knights son Marvin and his dog looking east from back of house.
Methodist Church (Texas)
Records, 1912-1950 - 1 microfilm reel (15 ft.): negative
Contains financial and legal materials, conference reports, a church register, and scrapbook material. The church was organized in 1911 by Reverend T.A. Knight in the O'Donnell schoolhouse with twenty-eight members.
During the years 1955 and 1956 the farm produced the largest water well in the panhandle of Texas. My father and grandfather sold the property in 1956. Texaco bought 7/8th of the mineral rights and the family held on to 1/8th. Before the water was found there was a large gas pocket found on the farm which my father said was capped with a large disc from a tractor plow. Gas was not near as important at that time.
More irrigation ditches.
A look at the field before water was pumped into it. You can see the plum from the pumping station in the background.
My grandfather's 1955 Belair Chevy which he probably put over 200,000 miles on.
The Mexican farmhand that worked the farm for Mr. T.A. Knight and my grandfather. He is starting a 2 inch tube in furrow.
Mr. T.A. Knight also placing a tube in the main feed ditch.
The selling of the farm after two of the best years of cotton it produced was a blessing for all involved. It would have been much more rewarding to all my grandfathers grandchildren had it not gotten involved in Scott County, Tennessee courts after his death in 1959.

Several pictures taken in 1982 when my father and brother Eddie traveled back to Abernathy - Plainview to see what if anything they could find of the Old Homestead.  The located the original water wellhead and the house that was barley standing.  An older picture taken in the late 1930's as compaired to 1982.  Somewhere is the plow disc that capped a large gas well.





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Hale County, Texas. If you look real close you'll see "THERE IS A WELL HEAD IN THE UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER OF THIS PICTURE". The landmarks to look for are Farm to Market Road 2060 and County Road R.. Yes, Google has updated their satellite images and I can visit my Royalty Rights without leaving my house. Any "WILDCAT" drillers out there?
If you want to look up the particular section to make sure there have been no wells drilled then all you need to do is visit the RRC, Railroad Commission of Texas and then click on Public GIS Map Viewer for Oil & Gas Wells, Pipeline Data and LP Gas Sites. Our section is below, current as of 2010. Only one Dry Well No. 80092.